Don’t play it safe!!!

Life’s too short. I don’t believe in the traditional mindset or view of how I should comport myself. I hate the fact that some people think they know how to conduct my life better than I do.

Image credit: “safe” – © 2007 Paul Keller – made available under Attribution 2.0 Generic


Post 9-11

Looking south from Top of the Rock, New York City

Image via Wikipedia

[Shit I forgot to post this. I was gonna post this on 9/11 forgot to but I saved it on my computer.] I can never forget. 3,000 died 300, million traumatized. Airplanes glide where no bombs could. That was just some random writing I did. I remember I was at my 1st period class Current Affairs sitting in disbelief of what I was witnessing on the news. Then I remember the rumors and the murmuring throughout the hallways on my way to 2nd period. By 2nd period we knew it was not some aviation malfunction, but a coordinated effort; it was definitely a terrorist attack. The rest of the day was filled with shock and horror before it came to anger and vindictiveness.I remember the event like it was yesterday. It’s times like these that force you to remember. Maybe it was the helplessness you felt as an unwilling spectator, maybe it was the evil that day which frightened you out of your mind, or maybe the attacks changed the way you viewed the world and the security of America. Whatever it was I hope you can all remember those who gave the ultimate sacrifice for others. But my greatest memory after the attacks was the resiliency of the American people. It seemed for a time that there was no stronger bond, and a unity I’d never witnessed before. Everyone had American flags and seemed to forget all the silly trivial things that tend to divide people in a pluralistic society. That was the light in a dark tunnel, the flare in a cloud of smoke to me. That was America at her greatest and most beautiful. I still remember it like it was yesterday.

Pakistan Tragedy!

As many know there was a flood in Pakistan last week. I like to think I don’t focus on the tragic, but I can’t help it. Here is a picture of the event I’m referring to.

Here is the link to some suggestions towards aid for the Pakistani people.

Floods in Pakistan!!

The United Nations is accepting donations, but I just feel funny about the UN. lol. But I think they are doing the right thing; here is the link below if you want to contribute to the UN’s efforts.

UN’s relief efforts for Pakistan

Only a matter of time!

Do you love your Country?? Do you love torture


I pose this question to you because I am afraid of where this country is going. I am a immigrant who has lived in this country for many years. I love this country and it’s beautiful ideals. What I’ve gained from the blood, sweat and  tears of Patriots, Civil Rights Leaders, feminists, etc is invaluable. Though I may critique this country, it is because no country is perfect and this one can always be made better. Right now we are facing very troubling times as a people. This country’s history can be marked with dark and dirty events; genocide, slavery, racism, and subjugation of all women. But America’s timeline is also filled with strong men and women of courage. Who were willing to pay the ultimate price for their beliefs and often times dissent. The forefathers of this great land were flawed by today’s standards in some regards, but they also were people of great vision and wisdom. Writing the Constitution to protect Americans from Man’s lust for and abuse of power.



On November 4th, 2008 America made history by voting for the first black president of the United States. It was inspiring for me to see what I didn’t think I would ever see in Obama’s victory. However, there were cries and yearnings for change from American college campuses to foreign countries, like England and Nimibia! Change is needed I agree. Now a days my ideas on change come from Libertarian philosophies: limited government, limited war, individual rights, and protection of land and property. And of course that’s in addition to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I wish we could all rise above this bickering two-party system to see we are actually one.

Neal Boortz

Neal Boortz

Yesterday on Neal Boortz’s radio show.

The espoused Liberatarian, (who by the way seldom finds faults with Bush or the Republican party um…ever. Emphasis on espouse!) said that

water-boarding is not a form of torture.

He then proceeded to not allow callers to call in and say terrorism doesn’t work. Even one caller informed Boortz of John Mccain’s stance on torture. Mccain a veteran of Vietnam who was toruterd every two hours all the while having dyssentry. If I could paraphrase he said, ‘he is living proof torture doesn’t work.’ But Neal Boortz got more angered and only wanted people to agree with his proclamation.

He even came up with analogies to support his stance.


He said any responsible parent would support torture to save a loved one. Which I guess could be true. But it’s very faulty reasoning, because the choice is strictly from emotional impulse. It is not effective. John Mccain cited every general he knew saying torture is not effective! Why does Neal feel he knows better?


Neal’s second point was even more fallacious. (But what do you expect from someone who thinks slave masters cannot be judged because of the times they lived in.) His next point was presented in a question.

“If torture isn’t effective why has it been used so often?”

I think this fallacy is Argumentum ad numerum. Yea I feel smart! Which means to suggest one’s point is more valid because many people believe it is right or true. But as we know popular doesn’t always mean right. Violence is as old as human beings, slavery has been used for 1000 of years in Africa, Asia, Europe, and 400+ years in America. Uh, any benefits to the aforementioned? Didn’t think so.

People let’s question where we get our news. Who we allow into the minds of our children and grandchildren. I’m not for silencing dissenting voices like Neal did on his show, but I want us all to know of these dangerous opinions. Don’t be unaware of the dangerous strategy of fear and demagoguery tactics. Let’s unite be strong and live.

African Origins signing out. Long post I know. But this really got me going.

Happy Independence Day

I just wanna say I know I’m late. I just want to say I am grateful to live in a country which allows me to voice my opinions without being murdered by the government. I do love this country. I will never take the freedoms and liberties I benefit from for granted. Though I might have strong opinions on America’s foreign policy and the way the government treats its people. No country is perfect, and no country goes a day without injustice of some sort. Whether it be racial, ethnocentric, political, gender bias, etc etc. I am thankful for all I’ve been blessed with. And I hope none of you reading this take freedom and liberty for granted either. PEACE & 1LUV to you all.

PS I know I’ve been late with music and blogs. I got more coming. Watch.

You can read my other blogs at African Origin’s Myspace just click.

‘Mixtape’ Name Change

What up Folks. I changed the name of my ‘mixtape.’ I put mixtape in quotes, because I feel like it’s much more than a mixtape. I have dedicated my all to this. But nonetheless let me get to my point. I have changed the name from In The Beginning to In The Beginning of my Liberation. The tape was called In The Beginning originally, because I wanted to announce and explain my genesis. But, I feel like if I am to bring change in the form of mental liberation it must start with me. So I am detailing and showing my emancipation first before I bring you what I think needs to be done. The songs haven’t change. The same subject matter, just more fitting title. I hope you relate. It’s coming this Summer for free. Please have patience with me. It’s coming!!! One Love. Peace.

Check me out on myspace also. Here’s the URL for future reference:

Video Shoot Bullets!!!

What up, What up, WHAT UP!!! What’s up folks. I shot my first video today. The experience was amazing. We shot in Atlanta in and around Little Five Points locale. Worked with some very talented and dedicated young people. I mean really young and really gifted. But these kids knew what they were doing. I was blown away by their knowledge and expertise. But anyway I hope it turns out as ill as it felt making the video. I’m just very anxious and excited to see the final project. Thanks for all those who gave a damn, and all those who will. Peace

Check me out at My Space (

Still Working

What’s up everybody? I’m still working on my music. Yeah Yeah, same old, same old. I’ve been saying the same thing for about a year. But I haven’t been rapping for that long(5 years), and I’m just trying to fine tune my ability. I have high hopes this year on out. I hope everybody is doing well. I just hope I can make the impact on people that the greats made on me. I love this music/culture or whatever it is. It drives me. It’s my infatuation, my love, my dreams, my bliss. All I really wanna do is love you in the words of Hooty and the Blowfish. Just rambling. I’m doing everything myself, with the exception of actually producing tracks. But I try to ‘mix,’ record and ‘master’ the whole thing on my own. I think that’s why it’s taken such a long time to complete my mixtape project. There’s a lot of trial and error involved in my process. But I hope this is evident in my finalized project: In The Beginning There Was Before the LP. I hope you all enjoy it and it touches you in some way. I should be getting some tracks up shortly too. Peace out.


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