Israel What the HELL???!!??


Little late, but I’ve been trying to soak in a lot lately. I’m not gonna go into a historical analysis and break down, even though it is essential in understanding the recent events in Israel. But I will admit I had a very deep discussion with my parents and family over the world’s peril. We’ve had similar conversations before, but the sentiments expressed during our exchanges are now starting to be a lot more relevant. The discussions normally go something like this old&jaded vs new&idealistic. The old&jaded(my parents) and the new&idealistic(me, my siblings sometimes). The old&jaded normally say things like: “that’s the system,” “you can’t fix the wheel,” “these problems are older than you and will be here longer than you will be.” Well, I want to agree with these quotes, but it is extremely difficult for me to just accept it. I know this is the world, but I don’t want to live in it like someone who just goes a long with it. 

Ok enough rambling.

Gaza strip. Israel.


CIA factbook heed with caution

CIA factbook heed with caution



For those of you who don’t know. There has been more bloodshed on the Gaza Strip. Hamas and Israel are at it again. Palestine has been bombed several times. They’ve been stripped of land. And they just recently have suffered the loss of 400 people as punishment for Hamas’ killing of 2. Israel has never been sanctioned or told to stop their treatment of Palestinian people. In fact, recently Condoleeza and George Bush both agree with Israel’s preemptive strikes. Israel has the right to defend itself, but this is not the same as subjugation and/or oppression. 

The UN reached another resolution as usual. But is it really a ceasefire or resolution if nothing is really solved; if there is no real appeasement can there really be peace? Maybe I some of us get carried away with the world’s problems.  Like the old&jaded would say, these problems were here before you existed and they will be here after you die. I understand it takes more than just a few idealistic people to change the world. But look at people like Martin Luther King Jr., Benazir Bhutto, John Lennon, Ghandi, and Ken Saro Wiwa. They weren’t afraid of the ultimate sacrifice, and they weren’t afraid to stand up to these ‘problems.’ We all are headed for some challenging times people. It will require strength and self-belief, but also unity.

On a more personal note, my uncle has passed away in Nigeria. Due to lack of healthcare and equity for the have nots. He died at the age of 28 from sickle cell crisis(sickle cell crisis). Nigeria like most African countries is set up structurally inept. Corruption from the top down, but let me stop. I have a tendency to fall in deep. Some days I wish I had chosen the blue pill, and just been a happy, ignorant, aimless drone!

Cue Matrix Scene:

This world is too much!