Happy Weed Day or 4/20

Get to smoking

Get to smoking

Weed should be legal

Yes. Happy 4/20 day. The only day that law abiding citizens smoke up in protest to the ridiculous restrictive drug laws we put up with everyday. Nah, just kidding. If you smoke weed, more than likely you smoke it regardless of 4/20 or not. I don’t smoke it because it does nothing for me for some reason. Maybe I’m not a competent smoker I don’t know. But I do know a lot of people get arrested for weed. Why I guess money. But I have to go along with the proponents of legalizing weed and taxing it. I mean this law would be no different than allowing alcohol(an industry which is worth 155 billion dollars according to the Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders Society) to be legal. Though weed has been proven to be more harmful to one’s lungs than cigarettes. I still feel legalizing the drug will take power away from the drug kingpins. Not the ones who rap about all the money they allegedly made from selling drugs, but the real Noriega’s. Ya know? But anyway, I’m not gonna write too much because I know people are going to be out there lighting up for democracy. So take care peace. Signing out.

Vacation in a slow economy

Everybody needs to relieve some stress every now and then. We all especially need some release during this economic turbulence.

No money but wanna have fun

No money but wanna have fun

Here are some ideas to have fun on a budget.

1. I love observing animals but I don’t want to spend to go to the zoo.

Go to the Pet Store! You don’t have to pay to look at the animals, and you don’t have to pay period to play with them.

2. I want to workout but don’t want to get a gym membership.

Easy solution. Go to the weights section at Walmart. You lift weights there for free. But the dumb bells only go up to 35. You know some of us need 40+ pounds to arm curl.

3. I want to go to the strip club, but don’t have the money or I am too ashamed of being spotted in public.

Ahem…well I don’t know what your moral hangups may be, but if you are really bent on not meeting real women. You can look up internet porn. It’s one of the biggest industries in the world. (You’re not the only one who has it.)



So that concludes my vacation ideas during these trying times. I’m short on ideas. Sometimes it’s good to laugh to keep from crying.

Until next time. Been working on some new stuff. Ready to put it out there. Well I’m out of it tired and sleepy. Peace. African Origins signing out.

Great Depression II

Great Depression 2

Great Depression 2

Let me make a few predictions for 2009.

I wish I had finished this earlier, for I have predicted a few things which have already come true. For example:

  • I knew Fedor would beat Arlovski at Affliction Day of Reckoning. I didn’t know how. But I predicted the fight would probably not make it out of the 1st round. And I was right.
  • Ok. I predict African Origins will be one of the most prominent and dominant emcees in Southern Hip Hop history this year. It’s gonna happen. Trust me.
  • And oh yeah. I predict a Great Depression II.
  • Peter Schiff predicts housing bubble and recession:


    Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Nouriel Roubini predicted this recession which the Mainstream Media denied for 2 years. And low and behold we have a recession. Now the same people are predicting a Depression if Government keeps up the bail out strategy.

    Reasons cited for upcoming Depression.

  • 2.6 million jobs lost since January 2008.(link)
  • Forclosures won’t stop rising. (link)
  • We’ve become a consumer nation as opposed to a nation which produces. After outsourcing all the manufacturing jobs overseas. Americans consume a lot more than they produce all on credit. So now it’s time to pay. Oops, there’s no real money. 
  • The government(Bush and more recently Obama administration) believes certain entities are too big to fail. Wallstreet got a 750+ Billion dollar bail out while the auto industry has to have hearings sell their private jets etc etc. Experts(the ones whom predicted this predicament) believe the market will correct itself. Housing will come back to it’s actual value as opposed to inflated prices. Companies dying can die and rebuild or die and spring new companies elsewhere. But the GOVT will not allow this to happen. Prolonging the process. So bad assets stay companies that should’ve failed remain and they will fail again and ask for more bail out money.
  • C U all later. I’m working on new stuff, so stay tuned. You can contact me on my myspace. Till next time. I’ll try to have more solutions for you; I need more research though. Peace.

    Israel What the HELL???!!??


    Little late, but I’ve been trying to soak in a lot lately. I’m not gonna go into a historical analysis and break down, even though it is essential in understanding the recent events in Israel. But I will admit I had a very deep discussion with my parents and family over the world’s peril. We’ve had similar conversations before, but the sentiments expressed during our exchanges are now starting to be a lot more relevant. The discussions normally go something like this old&jaded vs new&idealistic. The old&jaded(my parents) and the new&idealistic(me, my siblings sometimes). The old&jaded normally say things like: “that’s the system,” “you can’t fix the wheel,” “these problems are older than you and will be here longer than you will be.” Well, I want to agree with these quotes, but it is extremely difficult for me to just accept it. I know this is the world, but I don’t want to live in it like someone who just goes a long with it. 

    Ok enough rambling.

    Gaza strip. Israel.


    CIA factbook heed with caution

    CIA factbook heed with caution



    For those of you who don’t know. There has been more bloodshed on the Gaza Strip. Hamas and Israel are at it again. Palestine has been bombed several times. They’ve been stripped of land. And they just recently have suffered the loss of 400 people as punishment for Hamas’ killing of 2. Israel has never been sanctioned or told to stop their treatment of Palestinian people. In fact, recently Condoleeza and George Bush both agree with Israel’s preemptive strikes. Israel has the right to defend itself, but this is not the same as subjugation and/or oppression. 

    The UN reached another resolution as usual. But is it really a ceasefire or resolution if nothing is really solved; if there is no real appeasement can there really be peace? Maybe I some of us get carried away with the world’s problems.  Like the old&jaded would say, these problems were here before you existed and they will be here after you die. I understand it takes more than just a few idealistic people to change the world. But look at people like Martin Luther King Jr., Benazir Bhutto, John Lennon, Ghandi, and Ken Saro Wiwa. They weren’t afraid of the ultimate sacrifice, and they weren’t afraid to stand up to these ‘problems.’ We all are headed for some challenging times people. It will require strength and self-belief, but also unity.

    On a more personal note, my uncle has passed away in Nigeria. Due to lack of healthcare and equity for the have nots. He died at the age of 28 from sickle cell crisis(sickle cell crisis). Nigeria like most African countries is set up structurally inept. Corruption from the top down, but let me stop. I have a tendency to fall in deep. Some days I wish I had chosen the blue pill, and just been a happy, ignorant, aimless drone!

    Cue Matrix Scene:

    This world is too much!

    My First Live Performance CANCELED

    Wanna B a Star? Talent Showcase

    Wanna B a Star? Talent Showcase


    What up What up, WHAT UP???!!!

    This is your favorite MC African Origins. Just writing to let you all know I had an audition for a showcase this past Saturday. It was at this studio Patch Werk Studios. It was crazy. I got there about 2:10, was supposed to be there at 2:00pm, but it was alright. The judges were running late too. But around 2:40pm I came into the studio. And WOW! I saw all the plaques on the wall. I saw Nas, Luda, 50 cent, David Banner, Outkast, etc etc. It was crazy. We went up stairs. We being Duquaye (the creator of Wanna B a Star Talent Show) and Karma his assistant and media specialist. I did my thing without a mic. Which threw me off on the chorus. But the panel still liked what they heard. I was like that’s what’s up. So I have made it onto the Tuesday night showcase to hopefully battle it out to the semis. If you are in Georgia around Atlanta area. Stop what you are doing (school work, job, pillow talk with your significant other, cooking, etc.) and come show some love on Tuesday. I would greatly appreciate it.

    Hope to see ya there.

    Check me out at My Space for more blogs and Muzik!

    You wanna make money in Today’s economy huh? Try getting into the human suffering business. It pays really well.

    World Aids Day

    World Aids Day

    Uh, wow, I know I’m very late with this. But that’s because a lot has been on my mind. I spent all of Thanks Giving watching Current TV’s coverage of World Aids Day. I wish I could say I found some inspiration in the media, but I just felt disgusted and disheartened. What I saw was tragic but not foreign at all. It’s a recurring theme through out this world man. The people at the top just don’t care. And when I say top I mean top of the top. The people at the tip top of all the making money in this world. Those guys do not care. Whether it be the corporations receiving corporate welfare or the dictators in developing nations. One thing is constant; their undying love of all things money and a hatred for the people. They have no regard for human life. They would rather reap the spoils of the land and watch the bodies of their respective populations deteriorate.

    Aids in Africa

    Aids in Africa

    I was watching this documentary of Aids in Kenya, and saw the abject poverty in that country. Kenya like most other countries in Africa are divided by the super wealthy, the rich, small middle class(if any at all), poor, and extremely poor. Most of the country does not have access to quality health care because of the selfishness and incompetence of the governing elites. Because of the dire health system in Africa, many government officials have no shame in leaving their native countries to receive health care abroad. Instead of fixing these problems to better the standard of living for their fellow countrymen and citizens. It’s just surreal. The Aids epidemic also stems from lack of education. Many people believe in myths and spooky old tales about aids. Like sleeping with virgins without condoms. Getting infected by sitting next to people. So naturally, people are afraid to come out about being infected. No one wants to be treated as a pariah in their own town/village. Prostitutes are so desperate for money they will sleep with anyone without a rubber(condom). One prostitute said something that will probably never leave me. When asked about her situation and her fear of death she said,

    “I would rather die. Because I don’t want to look my children in the eyes anymore and tell them there is no money for food.”

    This problem persists all throughout Africa and will continue until our mindset changes. First and foremost Leaders of these nations need to realize that the people deserve better. African people need to unlock the shackles of their mental slavery, and let go of their inferiority complex. Once we do that we will realize we deserve better.

    BAIL OUT??!?!?!?

    BAIL OUT??!?!?!?

    But this struggle occurs all over the globe. It’s not always the developing countries. Example A being in America, we see the elite class and their arrogant displays of crony ism. My fellow Americans, when was the last time any company offered to give you money till you got back on your feet? You ever been late for a bank payment? Did they offer to pay it due to the kindness of their heart or did they add on interest to your debt? What about foreclosures? Any helping hand from anybody? How many of you have been fired from your job? Have you ever been paid extravegant amounts of money by your employer while filling out your pink slip??? OF COURSE NOT!!! CEO’s of these companies in need get paid MILLIONS of dollars to get fired or should I say ‘Step Down.’ All the while the average person has to worry about getting laid off!!!! Damn it, I’m disgusted man! I feel like there is no true justice anywhere. I am caught in this labyrinth this maze with a bunch of other rats all scurrying around feverishly for that little crumb of cheese.

    American Politics

    American Politics

    Right now we have an administration who has profited off of war while letting their own country foot the bill for it.

    Abu Ghraib

    Abu Ghraib

    I thought republicans are supposed to be about limited government with respect to individual rights and liberties. But we’ve lost quite a few rights under this administration. This government believes in torture, secret prisons, spying on its citizens and a secret and dishonest way of dealing with the American people. But, I’m not totally against the Republicans because I just don’t give a damn. There were several Democrats who did nothing to try to stop the war. In fact many Democrats wanted the war in Iraq since before Bush even stepped into office.

    My point is that the only color that matters is green. Money is power. Greed+Selfishness+Love of power= human predation. Because every master needs at least one good slave or maybe 300,000,000+ if he’s really good. The elite governing group must feed until there is nothing left. Why is there starvation in developing countries, when the resources are abundant??? Because the governing bodies along with foreign provocateurs believe in generating the most amount of money regardless of the human cost. Instead of valuing the number one resource, the human population.

    Human Element

    Human Element

    The people work and build civilizations and culture. The human element is what keeps a nation alive. We must first love ourselves. The human being can be a beautiful creature before he or she is corrupted. If we wanna stop this degradation and dehumanization we must love each other. I hope I didn’t come across too crazy. I am all over the place. I’m just very angry right about now!!! How bout you? (Click this link) Then open your window and scream, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

    Fascism??? Check out this funny video here. It’s all in good fun, I hope.

    I got more blogs and music at my Myspace, here or copy http://www.myspace.com/africanorigins. Come back and visit me if you liked this blog, I’m just scratching the surface. And getting more angry by the minute. Peace people.

    MMA I gotta talk about it.

    (What’s up world. I added a new track “Swagger Like Mine,” in my box on the home page. You can download it there. )

    Brock Lesnar is the new UFC Heavy Weight Champion

    Brock Lesnar is the new UFC Heavy Weight Champion

    This is a Hip Hop blog.

    But I really wanna talk about Brock vs Randy Couture at UFC 91. I am glad I don’t bet on MMA, because I would be a very very very disappointed man. My money was on Randy. I basically wanted Randy to win bad so he could fight Nog. Randy vs Nog? I thought Nog would murder Randy easily. I just wanted to see the fight. But nonetheless reality struck Randy Couture with a big over-sized elbow behind the ear on the night of November 15, 2008. Well where do we start? Randy Couture ‘Captain America.’ Randy is a legend in my eyes because he always seems to beat the odds when his back’s against the wall. I also think Randy Couture is a tad bit overrated. His record is 16-9 now. He’s beaten some great opponents but Fedor hardly gets any slack from the same people hyping Randy. But I still look at Randy as one of the sports greatest fighters and ambassadors inside

    Randy The Natural Couture

    Randy "The Natural" Couture

    and outside the ring. They’ve been saying Randy is too old to fight since as far back as I can remember him fighting. He didn’t start his UFC career till he was 33. Now he is 45. And he still always looks impressive. But having said that. Randy didn’t look his best, but I don’t think that can be attributed to age. Randy hasn’t been fighting for about a year because he wanted to fight Fedor. And I really wanted to see that fight too. More so than Nog vs Randy man. But anyway, I really doubt that will happen now. But we’ll see.

    But anyway congrats to Brock Lesnar. I’m not a hater of Brock at all, but I’m not really a fan. I just love watching a good fight. I’ve said this before. He’s a very good fighter naturally because of his ginormous size and his athleticism. But he’s also a former collegiate wrestler and NFL player(training team). When you mix that with his knack for learning MMA he is a formidable opponent in the HW division. Not to say he isn’t beatable. Because he lost to Mir already because of a rookie mistake in the first round. But he has learned from his victories and defeats it appears. Beating Randy Couture is not something every top 10 HW can boast about. Yeah Randy’s been off for a year or so. Or we can maybe say Randy is getting older or whatever. Or my favorite; Brock Lesnar didn’t deserve a title shot anyway. But uh, what if he beat the incumbent Champion? Come on diehards you have to give credit where credit is due. Brock was the better fighter on the night. Overall, it was an ok fight.

    Brock Lesnar defeats Randy Couture

    Brock Lesnar defeats Randy Couture

    And another thing people let’s not talk too crazy. Brock Lesnar vs Fedor?????

    I would like to see that fight too damn it. I happen to think Fedor is the best Heavy Weight in MMA history, but regardless of what I feel, I think Brock has a long way to go before he beats Fedor Emelienenko. We will see exactly how close Brock is to Fedor after he fights Nog(assuming Nog easily defeats Mir like I predict, but I was wrong before). But nonetheless great win for Brock Lesnar the new UFC Heavy Weight Champion. But peace. This is African Origins signing out. I got more blogs here or you can check me out at myspace at http://www.myspace.com/africanorigins or click me!

    I’m in a Band

    I’m in a band. Well technically not a band but a group. One producer/producer extraordinaire, One producer/engineer, and emcee/vocalist kinda make up the collective. The group is called Huemanatee. We put some things together but we’re still trynna find our exact direction on this project. We kinda lost momentum for a little while(4-5 months) but things are picking back up again. Stay tuned to find out what’s going down. Peace love and chicken grease.

    For more blogs and music check me out at My Space.

    Business vs Hustle

    Business vs Hustle

    Business vs Hustle

    What’s up folks. This is a post from my myspace. Check it out. I’m getting sloppy I know but when was I ever clean.

    Let me just say I’m no expert on the art of Business or the skill and grind it requires to hustle. In fact I’m pretty atrocious at both. But my people I know a business when I see it. I know a good hustle when I see it. In this life I think too many people don’t know the distinct differences between the two. You need to hustle to run a business. But a business requires a certain respectability and product or service integrity to go along with it. A lot of people in this music business get a tax id, get a llc, or even inc and say they’re running a business. But you call them, but can never reach them. Or you call them and when the pick up they say things like I might forget to call you back so please go to this website or get my email and…etc etc etc.

    When you are in business it is not just about working harder than the next person, it’s also about respecting your potential clients, maybe supporters/customers, or fans. You can’t treat people like you are doing them the biggest service in the world. I mean just by answering a phone call some people get on the phone with a bad attitude.(leave that to government run businesses et al the post office, voter registrations office, etc) And this trend is actually being made real by larger corporations. So in all fairness it’s not just the music industry. Hell, walk into Walmart you’ll get the same treatment there. My parents have been running a business for at least 14 years and if they had acted like I’ve seen some of these ‘companies’ act they  wouldn’t have lasted 14 months. I mean really.


    For more vain ranting and bloviating go to African Origins@My Space thanks for checking me out in advance. Feedback is appreciated.