The Real Meaning of ThanksGiving

What happened on the first Thanks Giving Day

What happened on the first Thanks Giving Day

Read the title. I ate some turkey with my family what’s wrong with you??!! Yeah. We talked about how thankful we are. But as far as the history y’all know what’s up. I’m not down with that. The Native Americans went the way of the Aborigines, almost wiped out. I just look at it like another reason to gather with the family. I gotta get back to eating. Sorry. Yeah I half-assed this blog like I do everything else in life.

Let me know how you celebrate Thanks Giving and what it means to you if you want.

MMA I gotta talk about it.

(What’s up world. I added a new track “Swagger Like Mine,” in my box on the home page. You can download it there. )

Brock Lesnar is the new UFC Heavy Weight Champion

Brock Lesnar is the new UFC Heavy Weight Champion

This is a Hip Hop blog.

But I really wanna talk about Brock vs Randy Couture at UFC 91. I am glad I don’t bet on MMA, because I would be a very very very disappointed man. My money was on Randy. I basically wanted Randy to win bad so he could fight Nog. Randy vs Nog? I thought Nog would murder Randy easily. I just wanted to see the fight. But nonetheless reality struck Randy Couture with a big over-sized elbow behind the ear on the night of November 15, 2008. Well where do we start? Randy Couture ‘Captain America.’ Randy is a legend in my eyes because he always seems to beat the odds when his back’s against the wall. I also think Randy Couture is a tad bit overrated. His record is 16-9 now. He’s beaten some great opponents but Fedor hardly gets any slack from the same people hyping Randy. But I still look at Randy as one of the sports greatest fighters and ambassadors inside

Randy The Natural Couture

Randy "The Natural" Couture

and outside the ring. They’ve been saying Randy is too old to fight since as far back as I can remember him fighting. He didn’t start his UFC career till he was 33. Now he is 45. And he still always looks impressive. But having said that. Randy didn’t look his best, but I don’t think that can be attributed to age. Randy hasn’t been fighting for about a year because he wanted to fight Fedor. And I really wanted to see that fight too. More so than Nog vs Randy man. But anyway, I really doubt that will happen now. But we’ll see.

But anyway congrats to Brock Lesnar. I’m not a hater of Brock at all, but I’m not really a fan. I just love watching a good fight. I’ve said this before. He’s a very good fighter naturally because of his ginormous size and his athleticism. But he’s also a former collegiate wrestler and NFL player(training team). When you mix that with his knack for learning MMA he is a formidable opponent in the HW division. Not to say he isn’t beatable. Because he lost to Mir already because of a rookie mistake in the first round. But he has learned from his victories and defeats it appears. Beating Randy Couture is not something every top 10 HW can boast about. Yeah Randy’s been off for a year or so. Or we can maybe say Randy is getting older or whatever. Or my favorite; Brock Lesnar didn’t deserve a title shot anyway. But uh, what if he beat the incumbent Champion? Come on diehards you have to give credit where credit is due. Brock was the better fighter on the night. Overall, it was an ok fight.

Brock Lesnar defeats Randy Couture

Brock Lesnar defeats Randy Couture

And another thing people let’s not talk too crazy. Brock Lesnar vs Fedor?????

I would like to see that fight too damn it. I happen to think Fedor is the best Heavy Weight in MMA history, but regardless of what I feel, I think Brock has a long way to go before he beats Fedor Emelienenko. We will see exactly how close Brock is to Fedor after he fights Nog(assuming Nog easily defeats Mir like I predict, but I was wrong before). But nonetheless great win for Brock Lesnar the new UFC Heavy Weight Champion. But peace. This is African Origins signing out. I got more blogs here or you can check me out at myspace at or click me!

A letter to Oprah the racist Liberal

A letter to Oprah, let me know if I’m over-reacting.

Dear Oprah,

I’ve been a fan of yours for 10+ years. I’ve loved your show all these years, because I believed you are an amazing woman who gives hope to people all over the world. There once was a strong underlying theme of women’s empowerment. Which initially drew me to you. And though I disagreed with you on your “Is war the only answer?” show. Because I do feel like war was the only answer at the time, I still remained faithful….Until now. I’ve realized The Oprah I came to know and fall in love with is nothing but a fraud. Oprah I’ve stood up for you whenever you were attacked in my presence, but what you have done this year is indefensible. What am I talking about? I’m talking about your blatant racism exhibited this presidential election. Oprah I always thought you were a fair-minded individual who transcended race, religion, politics. But you’ve proven me wrong. You invited Barack Obama on your show twice, but refuse to invite the future Vice President, Sarah Palin. It hurts to think my Oprah is a bigot, but it hurts more to know you are no longer for women’s rights or women’s empowerment. I think you are a racist; what have black men done for black women? Your show is popular because of white women, Oprah, do as you’re told open your eyes. I am so mad right now I could scream.

Some of my ex-friends tell me I’m over-reacting. They say what about the charities Oprah has donated to. What about the need-based foundations she’s started for children of all different races? Oprah’s helped Dr. Phil, and Rachel Ray get successful television shows, etc, etc, blah, blah, blah. Well I say all those things are fine and dandy, but once you contradict yourself so horribly your good works are voided out. Hitler helped many children during his rise to power, but we remember him for the deplorable things he did while in power. Oprah I’ve never been so disgusted and shocked since your recent actions. You have lost a worshiper, faithful fan, admirer, and viewer. And I’m canceling my O magazine subscription. I’m gonna spread the word to all those who don’t see you for what you really are. A filthy, jealous, bigoted spokes person for the biased liberal media conspiracy. I hope your show gets canceled. I hope Gayle gives you comfort after all your viewers leave.

Regrettfully Scorned,

Former Viewer and Supporter

To Be or Not to Be a Democrat or a Republican?

Be a Democrat or a Republican? I know with so many choices how is one supposed to choose? First things first. I will let you the reader know I consider myself an Independent. I am an Individual first, before I am a human being; before I am a African; before I am black; before I am male.I like to have my own opinions, my own tastes, my own beliefs. I don’t go against the mainstream on purpose it just happens most of the time. I want to say Libertarian but people like Neal Boortz scare me away. He is so conservative it’s not even funny even though he is. I think it is best to vote on the issues. Though there are only two major political parties many Americans pledge allegiance to. I mean I just don’t get it. I’ve heard many “Christians” say they can’t be Christians without being Conservatives. And I’ve heard several black folks around me tell me they could never be a Republican because of racism. WTF???!!! You can be a Democrat and be a (insert race here) Christian. You can be black in skin color and still be a Republican or Conservative.

Vote on the Issues

I wish more people would take a step back and look at the whole thing. Ask yourself what the differences are between Democrats Republicans. I ask myself this often, I look at the grand scheme often. And all I see is pimping. Maybe I am very biased because I am from Nigeria, and I am well aware of the intoxicating ability of power. Things are a little different here, but a politician is a politician. They only tell you what you want to hear. Democrats reach out to a sizable voting population as do the Republicans.

Politicians speak about christian family values every day all day.

But look at a few of their reps. Most are law-abiding Americans. But some of them are child molesters, prostitute seekers, and the like. But I can’t lie, I let my guard down on John Edwards. I couldn’t believe the news. I’m beginning to think we should all be surprised by the politicians who don’t cheat on their wives with child lovers or gay prostitutes!

He say She say

Conservatives pride themselves on believing in individual rights and liberties and limited government. Democrats tend to favor policy which involves government more and some claim they’re about individual rights. However, under the Bush administration the government has almost doubled in power along with the executive branch. ie Detainee bill, Patriot Act, water boarding, etc. President Clinton signed the Iraq Liberation Act of 1998.

Moral of the Story(LOL I know I’m rambling) Politicians only Appeal to your sensibilities and fears!!!

Please people don’t pledge allegiance to a political party. Pledge allegiance to your country your ideals; I believe in loving and respecting yourself and others. Period. Look at Rush Limbaugh who is very biased in his broadcasts. It’s like he is part of a cult called the Right. He defends his cult at all costs no matter what. His cult is never wrong. Ever. If you tune into Rush today, all you will get is 4 hours of how great Conservatism is and how bad Liberalism is or Obama is. But he’s not the only one. Look at Sean Hannity. He’s the same except with more whining. Neal Boortz supposed to be a Libertarian! But he is as Right as they come. Though I hear him criticize the Republicans sometimes. It is nowhere near as much as he gives it to Democrats. I’m rambling at this point. Just be an Independent. Vote on the issues not on key words of politicians. Or impressive slogans.