Vacation in a slow economy

Everybody needs to relieve some stress every now and then. We all especially need some release during this economic turbulence.

No money but wanna have fun

No money but wanna have fun

Here are some ideas to have fun on a budget.

1. I love observing animals but I don’t want to spend to go to the zoo.

Go to the Pet Store! You don’t have to pay to look at the animals, and you don’t have to pay period to play with them.

2. I want to workout but don’t want to get a gym membership.

Easy solution. Go to the weights section at Walmart. You lift weights there for free. But the dumb bells only go up to 35. You know some of us need 40+ pounds to arm curl.

3. I want to go to the strip club, but don’t have the money or I am too ashamed of being spotted in public.

Ahem…well I don’t know what your moral hangups may be, but if you are really bent on not meeting real women. You can look up internet porn. It’s one of the biggest industries in the world. (You’re not the only one who has it.)



So that concludes my vacation ideas during these trying times. I’m short on ideas. Sometimes it’s good to laugh to keep from crying.

Until next time. Been working on some new stuff. Ready to put it out there. Well I’m out of it tired and sleepy. Peace. African Origins signing out.

You wanna make money in Today’s economy huh? Try getting into the human suffering business. It pays really well.

World Aids Day

World Aids Day

Uh, wow, I know I’m very late with this. But that’s because a lot has been on my mind. I spent all of Thanks Giving watching Current TV’s coverage of World Aids Day. I wish I could say I found some inspiration in the media, but I just felt disgusted and disheartened. What I saw was tragic but not foreign at all. It’s a recurring theme through out this world man. The people at the top just don’t care. And when I say top I mean top of the top. The people at the tip top of all the making money in this world. Those guys do not care. Whether it be the corporations receiving corporate welfare or the dictators in developing nations. One thing is constant; their undying love of all things money and a hatred for the people. They have no regard for human life. They would rather reap the spoils of the land and watch the bodies of their respective populations deteriorate.

Aids in Africa

Aids in Africa

I was watching this documentary of Aids in Kenya, and saw the abject poverty in that country. Kenya like most other countries in Africa are divided by the super wealthy, the rich, small middle class(if any at all), poor, and extremely poor. Most of the country does not have access to quality health care because of the selfishness and incompetence of the governing elites. Because of the dire health system in Africa, many government officials have no shame in leaving their native countries to receive health care abroad. Instead of fixing these problems to better the standard of living for their fellow countrymen and citizens. It’s just surreal. The Aids epidemic also stems from lack of education. Many people believe in myths and spooky old tales about aids. Like sleeping with virgins without condoms. Getting infected by sitting next to people. So naturally, people are afraid to come out about being infected. No one wants to be treated as a pariah in their own town/village. Prostitutes are so desperate for money they will sleep with anyone without a rubber(condom). One prostitute said something that will probably never leave me. When asked about her situation and her fear of death she said,

“I would rather die. Because I don’t want to look my children in the eyes anymore and tell them there is no money for food.”

This problem persists all throughout Africa and will continue until our mindset changes. First and foremost Leaders of these nations need to realize that the people deserve better. African people need to unlock the shackles of their mental slavery, and let go of their inferiority complex. Once we do that we will realize we deserve better.

BAIL OUT??!?!?!?

BAIL OUT??!?!?!?

But this struggle occurs all over the globe. It’s not always the developing countries. Example A being in America, we see the elite class and their arrogant displays of crony ism. My fellow Americans, when was the last time any company offered to give you money till you got back on your feet? You ever been late for a bank payment? Did they offer to pay it due to the kindness of their heart or did they add on interest to your debt? What about foreclosures? Any helping hand from anybody? How many of you have been fired from your job? Have you ever been paid extravegant amounts of money by your employer while filling out your pink slip??? OF COURSE NOT!!! CEO’s of these companies in need get paid MILLIONS of dollars to get fired or should I say ‘Step Down.’ All the while the average person has to worry about getting laid off!!!! Damn it, I’m disgusted man! I feel like there is no true justice anywhere. I am caught in this labyrinth this maze with a bunch of other rats all scurrying around feverishly for that little crumb of cheese.

American Politics

American Politics

Right now we have an administration who has profited off of war while letting their own country foot the bill for it.

Abu Ghraib

Abu Ghraib

I thought republicans are supposed to be about limited government with respect to individual rights and liberties. But we’ve lost quite a few rights under this administration. This government believes in torture, secret prisons, spying on its citizens and a secret and dishonest way of dealing with the American people. But, I’m not totally against the Republicans because I just don’t give a damn. There were several Democrats who did nothing to try to stop the war. In fact many Democrats wanted the war in Iraq since before Bush even stepped into office.

My point is that the only color that matters is green. Money is power. Greed+Selfishness+Love of power= human predation. Because every master needs at least one good slave or maybe 300,000,000+ if he’s really good. The elite governing group must feed until there is nothing left. Why is there starvation in developing countries, when the resources are abundant??? Because the governing bodies along with foreign provocateurs believe in generating the most amount of money regardless of the human cost. Instead of valuing the number one resource, the human population.

Human Element

Human Element

The people work and build civilizations and culture. The human element is what keeps a nation alive. We must first love ourselves. The human being can be a beautiful creature before he or she is corrupted. If we wanna stop this degradation and dehumanization we must love each other. I hope I didn’t come across too crazy. I am all over the place. I’m just very angry right about now!!! How bout you? (Click this link) Then open your window and scream, “I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore!”

Fascism??? Check out this funny video here. It’s all in good fun, I hope.

I got more blogs and music at my Myspace, here or copy Come back and visit me if you liked this blog, I’m just scratching the surface. And getting more angry by the minute. Peace people.